We enter the scene when you need to bridge the gap between strategy, story and design. Success happens when we weave these components together to breathe new life into your brand.
Brands play a critical role because they shape our everyday lives … from the t-shirt we wear, the cereal we eat, the magazines we read, the theaters we visit, and the hotels we book. Brands influence our daily decisions.
Brand work brings clarity. We delve into what your company wants to be … what others think and feel about you. The first phase tackles big-picture issues because a strong brand requires two things: knowing your purpose and the needs of your audience. This is the only way your brand gets into people’s hearts. When you have meaning, you get resonance. Problem solved.
Whoever writes the (best) story wins. Telling good stories has shifted from maybe to Must-Have. Why? Because a solid brand story connects with your audience and defines their personal values. This helps them make quick decisions about whether to engage. People remember stories, not abstract terms, numbers, or facts. We implement this potent information across all company facets and touchpoints.
The best strategy is pointless if no one sees it. Brand design is the decisive element. Design gives your message tangible form. You should convey your brand simply, clearly and emotionally throughout the guest experience and across all media. Your unmistakable identity is created through a harmonizing blend of images, behavior, smells, haptics, etc.
“Practice what you preach!” After defining and designing, we implement your brand strategy, design, and story around all touch points. Lighthouse projects solidify your brand and set the stage for future projects. Once you have a website, image brochure, packaging, signage, content editing, or photo shoot, the Solid Brand Base sets the stage for smooth sailing.