(KISS: keep it simple, stupid!)

Brand Strategy

(in a nutshell)

“If you can’t explain something simply, you don’t understand it” also applies to a good brand strategy. We make complexity simple.

Models and theories matter less than transforming your business idea into a remarkable brand. Brand strategy is a master plan that helps you find your true purpose.

Sec.(01) Sec.(02)
Intro Brand Audit

Brand Audit

If you’re considering a rebrand or refresh, we’ll need a good look at you. Asking the right questions will give you the right answers.

Our Brand Score Card evaluates your brand’s current touch points for relevance, consistency, and quality across the entire customer journey. We find where your brand works well and where there is room for improvement.

united we brand bei Solid & Bold

Together we examine the entire brand for strengths, opportunities, and weaknesses.

Sec.(02) Sec.(03)
Brand Audit Audience


“Choose your customer, choose your future,“ says marketing guru Seth Godin. Achieving your goals requires knowing your audience. Your goal is to cultivate relationships with these people.

By brand audience, we mean your customers, employees, suppliers, and investors. They define themselves by social demographics as well as by their lifestyles, needs, and interests. Together we develop buyer personas to find out what makes your audience tick and what language they speak.

Sec.(03) Sec.(04)
Audience Brand Core

Brand Core

We drill down into the heart of the matter in the brand development phase. The core consists of five central elements: Brand Essence, Values, Vision, Mission, and Brand Promise.

We work inside-out to answer these key questions: what change do you want to see in the world and why? Brand core influences your corporate culture and your brand identity. This naturally determines your appearance, actions, and communication. 

Brands are like a box of chocolates – No two are alike!

Sec.(04) Sec.(05)
Brand Core Brand Essence

Brand Essence

Brand Essence is the distilled spirit – equal to your vision and “higher purpose” poured into a concise and meaningful formula.

Brand essence acts as your guiding principle internally (employer brand) and externally (consumer brand). For us, “solid and daring” was in our brand core, expressing our own claim and promise to our audience. And then, it evolved into our studio name: Solid & Bold.

Strategische Markenarbeit: Finden des Markenkerns

Brand essence lies in the very heart of your brand core.






Sec.(05) Sec.(06)
Brand Essence Purpose


Purpose is the meaning behind your daily actions that benefit other people. In other words, your company’s raison d’être.

Finding and defining purpose is one of the first (and perhaps) the most important tasks in the branding process.

Sec.(06) Sec.(07)
Purpose Vision / Mission

Vision and Mission

A vision is a reflection of our hopes and dreams for the future. Vision guides action. Mission is more concrete and shows us how to achieve the vision.

Simple analogy: imagine you want to climb a mountain. The mission is akin to having a road map: what steps must you take to reach the summit? How much funding will you need? What obstacles do you foresee? Your mission statement becomes a tangible beacon for others to accompany you on your ascent – your mission.

Spielerisch zu einer neuen Markenvision

Lego® Serious Play is a method that promotes business success through workshops. You and your team will learn new skills and improve dialogue.



Vision workshop with Martini Sportswear.




Durch den Einsatz von Lego®-Serious-Play werden Probleme spielerisch gelöst und die Fantasie angeregt

We engage both hemispheres to solve problems: logic and imagination.




Sec.(07) Sec.(08)
Vision/Mission Values


What are your values? For every product, there is a double out there. Unique offers are rare. If you can identify and share your values, you will stand out from the competition.

Your company’s values matter more than comparing products to others. The truth is values resonate with people and drive them to your unique offer. When values align, loyalty follows.

Bei Monvest spielen Markenwerte eine besonders große Rolle

Everything revolves around values at our Munich project developer Monvest …





… And live by them, they do.






Werte, welche auch bei der Monvest Website, gestaltet von Solid & Bold transportiert werden sollen







Sec.(09) Sec.(10)
Values Brand Promise

Brand Promise

What will you do for your audience? That’s your brand promise. Just like marriage vows, how do you meet their needs — in good times and bad?

Caution: Your promises must be legit. In branding, nothing speaks louder than empty promises set in stone. Show, don’t tell!

Sec.(10) Sec.(11)
Brand Promise Research/Trends

Research, Trends and Analysis

Do the work! We go from assuming to knowing with serious research.

We are investigators who solve your case. This requires information gathering: motives and insights, analysis, and trends. Solid decision-making comes from watertight evidence. 

(Zukunftsinstitut ✕ Solid & Bold)

The Zukunftsinstitut researches the development of people and organizations to strengthen future competence in business and society. As members, Solid & Bold studies the Institute’s findings to stay current on societal trends.

Sec.(11) Sec.(12)
Research Positioning

Positioning and Mind Mapping

Positioning is about finding your place in the market. How do you want people to think and feel about you, especially if you want their buy-in?

You are not alone. In today’s saturated market, many providers fight for time, attention, money, and skilled labor. Clear brand positioning gives you the necessary edge to stand out. 

Im Branding Process wird die jetzige und zukünftige Marktpositionierung analysiert

Positioning cross-defines current and future market positions.



Grafik der Schlüsselthemen des Burg Hotels

Positioning continues in the brand narrative via key themes.



Sec.(12) Sec.(13)
Positioning Service