Those who tell and create their own stories hold the key to innovation, culture, and communication. Brand story is the common thread that runs through your entire brand communication and makes your company’s strategy tangible for all.
The Brand story is your own unique narrative, full of substance and originality. There’s no excuse for empty words or trendy catch phrases. Innovative brands use the power of storytelling across all company touchpoints. Storytelling is not a marketing buzzword – it’s a necessary skill.
Brand Story services:
Building brand narrative is like making stew: we mix your brand strategy, brand story, and narrative moments together for a singular yet balanced experience.
Brand narrative is the sum of the stories told about you and perceived by your audience — consciously and subconsciously. Good brand narratives cultivate dialogue and encourage audience participation. Learn more about the importance of Brand Story in our magazine.
Brand narrative is central to branding because it defines how a brand speaks.
Real life writes the best tales. Stories are key to survival. Through storytelling, our ancestors knew where the saber-toothed tiger was hiding, thus preserving their existence.
Stories allowed us to survive and prosper because we collaborated in groups. Today is no different. People want to know: Who are you, what do you stand for? What do you offer? Will it improve my life and solve my problems? And what do I have to do for it?
For your brand story, we combine themes, actions, heritage, characters, resources, and context into stories that only your brand tells. This makes brand strategy tangible while ensuring its survival. Because the adage is still true: “Whoever tells the best story wins.”
“Content is king, but context is god,” according to social media entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk. We have nothing to add to that – just our key themes.
Key themes build context around your brand and in people’s minds. They are a flux capacitor for content and elevate your brand to theme leadership, thereby preserving your brand substance in long and short texts.
“Enjoyment with all senses” is one of the key themes at Burg Hotel Oberlech.
Each key theme is supported by several sub-themes. In contrast to the key topics, these can be played individually, depending on the medium and communication needs.
Sub-themes make your brand interesting and lively, a nest egg of content for future campaigns. Akin to tree branches, sub-themes are organic and can sprout or fall off when they no longer fit the brand.
Theme stories are robust brand texts on key topics. They summarize both key and sub-themes in a short and emotional narrative style.
We convey what is at stake in a tangible and memorable way. And make room at the table for those wanting to contribute (who perhaps couldn’t before).
What stories are your competitors telling? Who talks without saying anything? What sounds authentic, and what sounds like cheap PR?
In the competitor story analysis, we reveal how your environment communicates. We discover the weak links and contact points. You will have a distilled and direct narrative, so you’re not beating around the bush like the others.
Know how your competition speaks so you can find your own unique voice.
Your Brand story is a” living book” you can refer to for realistic design scenarios — visible, noticeable, and relatable.
We combine images, moods, colors, shapes, words, and content to create a coherent picture: the rough draft of your new brand. We use an entire toolbox to launch your brand.
Just like music, the style and tone of voice determine how the message is perceived and understood by our audience.
The same applies to branding: words, language, and content define your “tone of voice.” Some brands speak with facts, while others speak more personally. Will you incorporate international language or feature more colloquial terms? Tone of voice conveys more than messages: tone becomes a memorable part of your brand’s distinctive image.
English? German? Or both? The choice gets determined in your tone of voice.
Nomen est omen: your name is a sign. Yes, we know our way around trademarks. Anyone appearing under false pretenses has a hard time finding friends.
We develop names for companies and brands with two sets of criteria. The first phase of research deals with formalities: protection, trademark, law, and domain availability. Then we drill down for a name that is unique, concise, and memorable. No name, no game.
“I’m lovin’ it,” “Just do it,” and “Joy of driving” are famous taglines we know. Slogans summarize the brand experience.
A slogan condenses the brand identity into a short statement that generates emotion. These statements are unique and will prove if your tagline is successfully branded into the customer’s mind or immediately forgotten.